There’s a lot of potential in this idea (Andreas Bjoern Hansen / BUCK) of setting up the animation across the screens/phones; I wonder if this could be utilized as visitors enter the gallery, prompting engagement with their own phones. Even possibilities for interactive storytelling between a central screen and handheld ones?
animated: in-camera, in-sequence stopmotion
I always try to keep up with the new stuff, but I’m also going back through archives. I’ve come across many great animations for BBC Knowledge…animated idents, intros. This one from 2010 – by Sean Pecknold.
All of the spot is in-camera on a multi-plane table in sequence.
animated: Clay
Also posting to show students: this shot is perfect!
“Pigeon Pilfer is Michael Stevenson’s 2008 senior film from San Francisco State University. It was completed in four months with sixty pounds of clay, a digital SLR camera, and one tiny room.” And Dragonframe.
animated: Typography
I remember this from years ago, but lost track of it…so posting this here to show students later.
Brent Barson + BYU students created this animation for the 5th annual Typophile Film Festival, using raw materials and Dragonframe.
Additional writeup on Motionographer (from years! ago).
fresh colors
Loving these fresh colors and transitions from Illo, an Italian company.
Watch the Airbnb cycling video featured on Motionographer,
and make the time to visit their site too:
Techniques: Inspiration
I’m loving these animations by Virgilio Villoresi, beautiful stories in themselves – an elegant combination of techniques.
Ombro-Cinéma (like the later Scanimation books) is an animation effect created by moving a striped transparent overlay across an interlaced image, used beautifully here by Villoresi.